Now, I ask you..
Did you have any doubt
when you opened this post
that I was going to be able
to tie all three subjects together?
I'll start by telling you that
I'll start by telling you that
MyHero and I
beat our daugther, TPot
(well, we didn't BEAT her-
maybe we should have!!)
No..we beat her as in the
sense of
~made haste~
We beat her to Starbucks.
And we knew
that she had
a tag-along.
Can you guess who that might be?
Well, I knew you would figure that out.

It's SweetCheeks..
who takes one look
at the plate
holding three pink, sprinkled
and asks
Arhe they all forh me?

I thought they were for
Papa and me.
Noah- Yoah is jus' foolin' me, Nana.
Thohse arhe forh me...
an' I gonna eat that
pink one furst.
Well, they are ALL pink.
I know
gonna eat thaht one furst!
Which one?

THAT one, Nana, you silly goose!

Are you SURE you want to eat
all of them, SweetCheeks?
Isn't that a

for one little girl?
No...Isss ONLY THREE, Nana!
An...they are BABY DONUTS!
I takeded my skarff off

to eat them, ohkay?
Oh! No!
Can youh wahtch them forh me, Nana..
cuz I gotta go potty...
Who eated mhy donuts?
I dhin't say youh culd haff one!!!
I only have part of one,
the other part is on your plate.
Wellll...where is the offther
one then?
Nanneee...I see

Who eated mhy donuts?
I dhin't say youh culd haff one!!!
I only have part of one,
the other part is on your plate.
Wellll...where is the offther
one then?

youh is hiding one
behind youh backk..
an' youh iss NOT funny!
But..thaht is ohkay, Papa..
Youh cahn haff just
that parht!

Nana, I fixted my hairh myselfh
today...I haff on a headbanhd
and two bharettes..
do youh see that?
I think youh shuld fixx yourh
hair or sumthin' too.. luuks like youh
need to fixx it or sumthin'
Do youh know that, Nana?
Did youh brushh yourh
hair before youh comed here?
(giving me the inspector's stare)
She is off and walking around..
talking to anyone that will listen..
and to some people
that no one else sees...
We are all staring at the one
donut left behind...
thinking about
the one donut
left behind..
Not quite daring to
the one donut
left behind.
Ohkay! Now I ahm gonna

eat the lasst one!
Yummm...this is gooohd!!

An' you know whut, Nana?
Nope! What?
I wanna mofve to a differunt house.
I wanna mofve to a differunt house!
What kind of house?
A PINK HOUSE, sillyhead!
Can Papa and I come and live
with you?
Why not?
Cuz we only gonna haff 2 bedrooms..
One for Mom & Daddy
and one forh us gurhls.
Well, can't we share a room
somewhere too?
Noh..Noh you canhn't.
Well, why not?
Cuz.. no old people
or fatt people is allowded. mean we can't come?
Noh...cuz youh is a fatt people
and Papa iss a old people..
and youh haffa to livve in
a old people house.
Well. Thanks. A. Lot!
Yourh welcohme!

(SweetCheeks-eye rolling
and giving us the
stinky eye)
Well, can I at least have
a piece of your donut,
SweetCheeks? Papa asks~
Noh...cuz this iss the
lasst onhe...and
the lasst onhe always
tastes the besst.
an' youh alrheady had
youhr shahre when I
wuz in the baffroom
and Nana wuz supposta
be whatching them forh me!
(evil eye now on Nana)
Oh! Yummm!
This is sssooooo good, Papa.
Iss too bad there iss
no morhe pink
donuts forh youh!

The donuts are gone
but the adventure is
Stop back tomorrow..
and I will tell you
about the
Pirates That Invaded Starbucks.
It is a scary, dare-y adventure
and THAT is where the
come in!
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