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Portland OR Radio: Sean Demery Named PD At KINK-FM

Sean Demery
Alpha Media, Portland names Sean Demery Program Director of  AAA KINK 101.9 FM.

Sean Demery is a seasoned media veteran with years of programming, on-air and consulting experience who’s been around the block more than once on squeaky rollerblades. His experience includes stations such as; WNNX/Atlanta, KITS/San Francisco, KMTT/Seattle, KXRK & KLRZ/Salt Lake City, WYMS/Milwaukee, and KGGI/Riverside & San Bernardino to name a few.

Alpha Media Executive VP of Programming, Scott Mahalick commented on the announcement, “Sean is a World Class programmer, digital maverick, and talent coach who gets the vibe of Portland and will be dedicated full-time to the growth of KINK. We are looking forward to Sean’s impact in taking us to new heights.”

Alpha Media, Portland Market Manager, Lisa Decker added, “Sean is a seasoned pro with a deep love of music. He has a proven track record as a Program Director and on-air host and he understands how to connect with the audience, the local community. He is also wonderfully creative in developing strong brands. This makes Sean the ideal fit for KINK 101.9.”

KINK 101.9 FM (100 Kw) Red=Local Coverage Area
“I’m Stoked! Thanks to Scott Mahalick, Lisa Decker, and Mike Henry. These are GOOD people. 101.9 KINK? Are you kidding? It’s already a great station. I look forward to working with the crew to make it an indisputable cultural landmark. I also look forward to exploring and eating at all the cool places that have been taunting me from Sunset magazine,” remarked Demery.

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